Support our ministry through a monthly gift.
When you work in ministry, sometimes it’s hard to see the results. However, this is rarely the case at the St. Philip Neri. Educating students about the faith and providing opportunities for them to put their faith into action are the foundations of our ministry. With so many new things around the corner, it is important that we have a solid foundation of support to help fund all of these great programs. One of the most significant ways you can contribute to our work is to join the Living Faith Society. An electronic monthly donation drafted directly from your checking account or credit card reduces fundraising overhead, helps with ongoing operational expenses, makes donating simple through automation, allows you to budget a donation over time, and provides a stable donation base.

Small Gift. Big Impact.
St. Philip Neri serves all college-aged Catholic students in the Tulsa area. On The University of Tulsa campus, we open our home-away-from-home to the campus community. Our offertory collection only covers 3% of our annual budget, therefore we rely on the generous support of our alumni, parents and friends. Our Living Faith Society Members allow us the stable budgetary base through their monthly donation.

"I received so much support, love, and understanding from the Newman community. I made some of the best friends and the best memories of my life. When I left, I promised myself I would give back to this place that nourished and sustained me so that more students in the future can receive the same support, love, and understanding with which I have been blessed. I give each month to the Living Faith Society in order to sustain that promise, and I encourage anyone who has had their life touched by Newman to do the same. I was a scared little freshman that first day who couldn’t even walk herself to class and now I am living on my own, involved in a parish, and able give back to the place that made that all possible.
Kaitlyn Ptacek, Class of 2015
Examples of what your monthly donation can help us provide:
Annual cost of our RCIA program, which is offered to all students who want to become Catholic, get confirmed or just want to learn more about the Faith.
Faith & Food event costs. Our speaker and dinner series are offered to our students two times per semester and bring in local and national speakers.
Sponsorship for one student to receive a stipend toward the annual pilgrimage.
Conference travel and hotel accommodations for a student to attend SEEK or SLS each year. SEEK and SLS are both FOCUS organized conferences that we help underwrite for any students to have the opportunity to be a part of!
How do I sign up?
You can utilize on our online payment form or call our office, 918-599-0204 to set up your donation. To change your monthly gift amount, you can do that at anytime by contacting us.